Translation prices

Our price calculator

Our price calculator is self-explanatory. 

  1. The first step is to select your source language (from) and target language (to). 
  2. Then, choose your area of expertise: standard, legal, medical, or technical translation. 
  3. In the last step, please enter the number of words to be translated. You do not need to upload any files. 
  4. Click 'calculate', and your translation price will be determined. 

If you are satisfied with the price, send us an email with your documents, and you will receive a quote within 2 hours.

Our Rates Our translation rates

The price per word can vary greatly as it depends on a number of factors, such as the type of translation (including any additional formatting required), the language complexity, repetition, potential research effort, and delivery time. Our average rate is £0.12 per word, so this can act as a good starting point for your calculations.

Translation Agency
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